world leader in higher education in the aerospace engineering field

ISAE-SUPAERO is a public institution under the French Ministry of the Armed Forces. The world leader in higher education in the aerospace engineering field, the school has received the mission to train the best engineers and scientific officers, leaders in the aerospace industry and the world of tomorrow, based on 3 pillars: teaching, research and innovation.

An offer unique in the world in high-level training for the aerospace sector

- Engineering programs at ISAE-SUPAERO have been recognized for decades as the reference training for the aerospace industry and among the best French engineering programs (main recruitment through the Mines-Pont competitive exams after two years of scientific preparatory classes);
- 1 Masters of Science (MsC) in Aerospace Engineering;
- 15 Advanced Masters® (11 of them in English) covering the entire range of needs in the aerospace industry;
- 5 research-oriented Masters degrees in the following specialties: Energetics and Thermics; Mechanical Engineering; Mathematics and Applications; Networks and Telecommunications; Sciences of the Universe and Space Technologies;
- 6 doctoral schools: Aeronautics and Astronautics (EDAA, for which ISAE-SUPAERO is the support institution); Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications (GEET); Mechanics, Energetics, Civil Engineering and Processes (MEGeP); Mathematics, IT and Telecommunications of Toulouse (MITT); Sciences of the Universe, the Environment and Space (SDU2E); Systems (EDSys);
- A comprehensive continuing education offer at ISAE-SUPAERO’s EUROSAE subsidiary.
An ambitious research strategy

At the heart of the Toulouse Aerospace Cluster, ISAE-SUPAERO has developed research activities in a wide range of fields, from aerodynamics to neuroergonomics applied to air safety. For this it can count on its own research teams as well as on its partners at Université Fédérale de Toulouse and beyond, notably including:
- ONERA, which has a research center near the ISAE-SUPAERO campus;
- CNRS, whose large automatic laboratory (LAAS) is ISAE-SUPAERO’s neighbor;
- Institut Clément Ader, a laboratory shared with Université Paul Sabatier, INSA and Ecole des Mines, dedicated to the mechanics of structures and materials;
- St-Exupéry Technological Research Institute mechanics of structures
A privileged relationship with the aerospace industry
ISAE-SUPAERO places the development of relationships with companies at the heart of its strategy. The Institute has forged strong, solid historical relationships with industries in the aeronautics and space sector, but also with other sectors such as automobiles, transportation, energy, digital technologies, consulting, finance, etc.
ISAE-SUPAERO has 11 teaching and research Chairs:
- AIRBUS Chair – Eco-Design of Aircraft (CEDAR)
- DAHER Chair – Aircraft Design and Certification
- MBDA Chair – Merit Program for India and Indonesia
- AXA Chair – Neuroergonomics for air safety
- Nuclétudes Chair – Impact of a radiation environment on space system design
- SAFRAN Chair – Aero Engine Innovative Studies (AEGIS)
- TAS Chair (with ITA in Brazil) – Teaching on small satellite platforms
- THALES Chair – Embedded System Architecture and Engineering (ARISE)
- DASSAULT Chair – Air systems architecture (CASAC)
- Airbus Defense & Space and ArianeGroup Chair – Space Advanced Concepts
- GIFAS Chair – Support for the ISAE Group’s development

A leading international reputation
- Partnerships with major universities:
- In Europe: Cranfield (Great Britain), TU Munich (Germany), TU Delft (the Netherlands), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), Università di Pisa (Italy), etc.
- And around the world: Stanford (United States), Berkeley (United States), Caltech, MIT (United States), University of Michigan (United States), Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada), NICTA (Australia), etc.
- Privileged student exchanges bringing multicultural wealth:
- 30% foreign students
- More than 50 nationalities