Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d’Aérotechnique

crédit MJ Pichon
For more than 70 years, ISAE-ENSMA has forged a solid reputation, training over 6,500 high-level engineers and performing internationally recognized research work developed through many partnerships with major corporations, which also recruit a large share of its graduates.
The training programs at ISAE-ENSMA enable engineers to turn toward positions in such areas as design firms or research and development, mainly with industries in such sectors as transportation (aviation, automobile), space, energy, mechanics and IT.
The programs cover a wide range of fields: fluid and structural mechanics, aerodynamics, energy, thermal propulsion, materials and industrial IT. It can meet company needs in terms of responsiveness and capacity for adaptation.

The close relations between research laboratories, teaching departments and companies provide engineering students with dynamic training to foresee developments in concepts and techniques for mechanics and energetics. Nearly 250 researchers, research professors, engineers and technicians, and more than 200 doctoral students work at the laboratories (Institut Pprime and Laboratoire LIAS) on the ISAE-ENSMA site.

ISAE-ENSMA has developed strong, longstanding ties with companies (major groups, small and medium-sized businesses) for internships and jobs, but also for involvement by professionals in their training programs (courses, design firms, projects), student/company meetings (company visits and presentations, conferences and roundtables, company forums), representation on boards (administration, training, research), apprenticeship tax, etc.
In order to facilitate international exchanges, ISAE-ENSMA has signed bilateral agreements with foreign universities (55 agreements in 24 countries) and takes part in the following exchange networks and programs: GE4 (outside Europe), BCI (Canada), BRAFITEC (Brazil), ARFITEC (Argentine), PFIEV (Vietnam) and SIAE Tianjin (China).

ISAE-ENSMA is the reference school for the Concours Communs INP (a nationwide competitive examination) in aeronautics and space design.